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Posts tagged ‘brené brown’

in july…

To be perfectly honest, there’s only one goal on my mind this month.

Ironman Canada.

I’ve been eating, sleeping and breathing this race since registering in October, and six weeks out, it’s intensified. My days revolve around training (and eating, obviously… so much eating). Should I run circles around the track in the morning or after work? What pool should I swim at? Where should I run long (so.tired.of.Summit)? Do I have to go to the co-op again at 8:30p? I need new socks and goggles and aero bar spacers and a wetsuit and a swimsuit and, dang it, why are we always out of Skratch / Vega Sport protein / Bonk Breakers / Honey Stinger chews / <insert fave nutrition here>?

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in december…

November turned out to be a relaxed, alarm-clock-less month, starting with eight days in the Florida sunshine and ending with two weeks of downtime. I enjoyed every second of it – quiet mornings at home drinking pots of tea, working out at noon, catching up with friends, mornings minus the crazy commute and straight up just reveling zero adult responsibility (you know… working, showering daily, brushing your teeth).

Amid the restfulness, my November goals panned out like this…

#joblove. Finally. I start my new gig on Monday. (And, that’s all I’ll say here.)

Media free day. Well, I’m sad to say that other than an hour or two here and an hour or two there, this never really happened. Why, oh why, is it so difficult to disconnect for a measly hour?!

One thing. While I didn’t write down what I was grateful for all 30 days, 1THING was an great reminder of the little things I’m grateful for… laughter, quiet time, community, home, morning trail runs, honesty, patience and authenticity. Recording my gratitude daily will continue indefinitely – and may even appear on twitter every evening.

Sleep more. November nights were blissfully long, and I’m more rested than I have been in a long time. An adequate amount of sleep each night makes all the difference in my energy levels, daily food intake and mood. Now, I just need a new pillow…

Kombucha creations. I had every intention of brewing my own ‘bucha this past week, but thanks to feeling a little under the weather, I wasn’t able to pick up my SCOBY from Dave.

Read more, cont. Unfortunately, the second half of Brené Brown’s Daring Greatly hasn’t seen light of day – too antsy to sit down and read something heavier this month – but I did enjoy The Tao of Pooh by Benjamin Hoff (Winnie the Pooh is wise) and Paul Arden’s Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite (his way of thinking… YES).

Slow down + focus. Through constant self reminders, I’m becoming more aware of my attention span. While I’m still bouncing between tasks, I’m staying focused on each one a little bit longer each time. I’ll take it, even if it’s just in increments.

No more processed + portion control. Our table has been full of fresh produce + homemade goodness this month! A few favorites: roasted beets (from my parents’ garden!), roasted Brussels sprouts, chicken butternut squash spinach quinoa stew (recipe soon!) and roasted red pepper (I had no idea this could be done) goat cheese alfredo. Y.U.M.

So, December… back to reality! Here’s what’s twinkling…

Read more, cont. The second half of Daring Greatly is already underway. Also this month: Iron War by Matt Fitzgerald.

Getting crafty. Maybe it’s the cooler temps, Jessica’s fabulous Prime & Polish pop-up shop, or because my sister is pregnant (so excited to be an aunt!), but something in November inspired me to dust off the paint brush and sewing machine. I have some really cool projects lined up, and I can’t wait to share them with you come January.

Flexibility. For as regularly as I practice yoga, you’d think I’d be quite bendy. Turns out, I often have trouble touching my toes. Nothing a little legs up the wall, five to 10 minutes a day, can’t help.

Simplify + say no. Between holiday parties, Christmas gift shopping and catching up with everyone you know, December is a hectic month. While I love all its sparkle, it also stresses me out. So, this year, I’m simplifying by making gifts or purchasing local. And, to further de-stress, I’m learning it’s ok to occasionally say no… to holiday happy hours, dinner out every single weekend night and to activities I just don’t want to do.

Media free day. Let’s try this again.

Kombucha creations. Let’s try this again, too.

Sun salutations. In addition to two or three yoga classes at CorePower a week, there will be at least 10 sun salutations to ocean waves, every single day. Centering and calming. Bliss.

Explore the city. Can you believe I’ve lived in MSP for 4.5 years and have yet to go to the Holidazzle parade or the Minneapolis Institute of Arts? Yeah, me neither. So, Nick and I will be doing both this month… can’t wait to see China’s Terracotta Warriors exhibit!

How about you? What are you goals this month? How do you stay sane amidst all the holiday craziness? Any other places I should explore? What books should I be reading?

in november…

October certainly flew by! And, it was filled with plenty of fun, including lots of swimming + yoga, my first 10K, catching up with friends and hearing Brené Brown speak.

So, how did my October goals pan out? Have a look…

#joblove. I’m working on it… baby steps.

Read more, cont. I finished Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert mid-month, but after hearing Brené Brown lecture on October 11, I had to read Daring Greatly immediately. I’m about halfway through her incredible read on vulnerability and will share some thoughts in November on both her lecture and book. The Fire Starter Sessions is still on the re-read list.

No shopping at lululemon. I didn’t spend a cent at lululemon this month… success! Buuut, I did manage to shimmy into some new wunder unders. Yeah. I picked up Nick’s tri bike following a tune up as well a couple other ironman essentials (bento box + goggles), and in return, he bought me navy wunder unders and a runder under long sleeve. Sooo, technically, *I* didn’t buy the lulu gear 🙂

Girl talk. Being immersed in triathlon for the first time, I’ve felt a bit disconnected with my girl friends the past couple months (though I’ve made some really great new girl friends, too!). That changed a bit in October with dinner with Sonia and Nannette at Black Sheep, dinner with Julie + Chad at Ngon, a lovely bike ride with Sonia, catching up with Andrea over coffee at Kopplin’s, brunch on Bon Vie with Suraya + Eric, and sushi with Nick’s mom, Mary. My fabulous sister and I also spent some quality time together (though it really needs to be more, especially considering we live so close): 1) we heard Brené Brown speak and then had a very frank chat on the drive home; and, 2) I helped her with three of her photo shoots (need a photographer? She’s got an incredible eye and takes amazing photos!) and the lunched with our lovely cousin Margaret at one of my favorite delis, Cheeky Monkey.

Gluten-free, always. There was far less “oh, just a taste of pizza / bittersweet chocolate cookie / crusty bread,” but I did slip a few bites. For the most part, my GI system felt much better most of the month, though near the end, it flared up, though I’m not sure from what. Stress, perhaps? En route to Florida, I also ate cashews, which I know – I know – don’t play nice with my GI system. Dumb decision… I won’t be eating them again any time soon. And, I never made a doctor’s appointment to test for celiac; it will happen in November. Anyway, I kept a fairly meticulous food journal, only missing a few weekend days. The next step: Keeping track of how I feel after eating.

Strength train. Sadly, this happened only once. Gah! I picked up the 12 kg kettle bell ONCE. And, I’m amazed at how heavy it felt. Twelve kgs used to feel light! Jen, please light a fire under my arse!

Meal plan. Nick and I were much better about meal planning at the beginning of the month than the end of it. We made fewer daily trips to the market, and used up leftovers (except for the turkey pumpkin chili made with cayenne pepper instead of chili powder… oops!). We’ll continue to focus on weekly big(ger) stock-up shopping trips + homemade deliciousness in November. There will likely continue to be mid-week veggie shopping trips, too.

On to November goals!

#joblove. Like I said above, baby steps.

Media free day. That’s right… one day a week, we will unplug completely. That means to tv, iPhone or MacBook Pro the entire evening. Unfortunately, being a communication professional means I can’t completely disconnect during the workday, but I’ll do my best and definitely won’t be online in the evening.

One thing. I found a new gratitude app in October called 1THING. For the most part, I’ve continued to write down what I’m grateful for every day, but could do better, especially on the weekends. By setting up a daily reminder, I’ll log what I’m grateful for every single day. What I like about the 1THING app: Its sharability, both anonymously and via twitter or facebook.

Sleep more. I’m shooting for eight hours, at minimum, each night.

Kombucha creations. I’ve been hoarding GT’s Kombucha bottles for months (there are at least 25 empties on my desk at work) so I can attempt homemade kombucha this month. Fermentation masters Dave of the Movement Minneapolis recently shared his process, and Rita’s husband, Matt, shared his as well, so I have top-notch tips. Thanks, guys!

Read more, cont. Pretty sure this is going to a regular goal on my list. Up this month: finishing Daring Greatly and then reading The Fire Starter Sesssions, The Tao of Pooh and Love Doves.

Slow down + focus. I’m a multitasking queen, often bouncing between halfway reading a newspaper article, my bloglovin’ feed, checking my email, writing in my daily planner, drinking a cup of tea, working a blog post, filing my nails and writing a letter to my grandma. While multitasking can be a good skill to master, it’s also detrimental to the attention span. And, lately I feel like mine’s about a centimeter long. This month: FOCUS. No more reading-17-things-at-one-time-while-holding-a-cup-of-green-tea-in-one-hand-and-my-iPhone-in-the-other. Focus on just one thing at a time until the task is done.

No more processed + portion control. We do eat really well – you should see our Mississippi Market bill – but processed goods (Whole Grain Milling Co. tortilla chips, pecan crackers and gluten-free pizza crust) occasionally make it in the shopping cart. And, when they do, they’re gone in, hmm… I’m kinda embarrassed to share how quickly we devour them!

What are some of your November goals?!

Be grateful, friends!