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my new blog!

After a lot of URL debate, I finally purchased a domain.

I’ll be blogging over at from here on out, so follow me over there!

Happy swimbikerunning, friends!

life lately.

Life has been, well, pretty normal lately. It’s been filled with normal non-triathlon things, like road cycling (well, that’s relative) and racing the sun (come back, summer!), yoga-ing with gal pals, catching up with my sis + the cutest niece EVER, celebrating my dad’s 60th birthday (#60isthenew40), some time at the beach (the roar of the ocean!), easy morning swims (max = 1,700 yards), lunchtime runs and starting a new gig (#joblove, finally). Oh, and I hopped on the tri bike for the first time since IM Canada… weird how quickly it feels weird to ride aero.

It’s been even weirder to not be swimbikerunning all the time, and quite honestly, though the additional free time is nice, it’s been a struggle. I miss it terribly and am antsy to get started again. Seeing all the pics of Kona this week isn’t helping!

I’ve also been working on migrating this blog to a sparkly new site…! There are still some glitches to work out, but watch for it soon!

With that, here’s a look at life lately in photos…


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the bullsh*t voice.

Following a team meeting earlier this week, our CMO told the guys she wanted to talk to just the ladies. The guys (jokingly) grumbled a bit as they left the room, and we were all ears – because who doesn’t love a little girl talk, even at work?!

Her message started with a story…

Jen, an incredibly gifted pianist and piano teacher, interviewed and then landed her dream job: an assistant director position at a metro orchestra. While on a walk with her husband, they were discussing the opportunity and the move to a new city. She was honored, but confessed that she couldn’t believe they picked her. His response: “You’re the only one who was surprised.”

you are enough

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race report | lululemon twin K 13k

Ironman Canada recovery has been coming along nicely – my recent runs have been around 8:30 pace – but I was still a little apprehensive about running hard during last Saturday’s lululemon RUN: twin K 13k.

All that apprehension went out the window, however, when the gun sounded. More on that in a minute…

As soon as I heard MSP’s lululemon athletica stores were sponsoring a complimentary 13k race just down the street in Saint Paul, I knew I had to run it, even though it was just four short weeks after ironman.

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recent reads | september

I can clearly recall the first time I ever read a book to myself, silently. I was maybe six, decked out in a fancy Strawberry Shortcake nightgown, curled up in the big red recliner in our sunken living room. The book: Little House on the Prairie. I remember being fascinated I could read the story – I wanted to be just like Laura! – silently hearing it in my head and understanding the storyline. Quite a feat for a six-year-old after always reading aloud.

And so began my love of words, books, newspapers… pretty much anything printed I could get my hands on. It’s no surprise that I switched my major the end of sophomore year from pre-med to English and now work in PR (though, not gonna lie, I occasionally dream of being a doctor).

Between the three books on my nightstand, the 250 blogs in my bloglovin’ feed and the news websites, I’m constantly reading (when I’m not swimbikerunning). So, I decided that I’ll share my favorites – books, blog posts, online articles – with you every month. Some may relate to triathlon, others to yoga and others to life or things I find inspiring.

With that, check out September’s recent reads… Read more