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ironman canada | week 24

So, here we are, six weeks out from Ironman Canada! I’m not quite sure how that happened because it seems like yesterday it was cold and snowy and I was just starting this journey. This little 140.6-mile race is fast approaching, and I couldn’t be more excited!

My top two takeaways this week:

  1. It’s all in your head. Yes, you need to train your body, but training your mind is just as important. I’ve been doing some visualization during the 7.9 seconds between my head hitting the pillow and falling asleep, and I can see that start line on the shore of Alta Lake, the thousands of swim cap clad triathletes ready to race, and I can see that magical finish line and almost feel the emotion that comes with it (I’m not kidding, I’ve welled up several times this week just thinking about it). Keeping your head in the game, during each training session, during the race – stay present and positive – it’s so important to getting through. Because when you start to compare or when the self doubt creeps in, nasty things manifest. Thank you, Johnny, for helping me get and keep my head in the game!
  2. It always seems impossible until it is done (thank you, Nelson Mandela). This was my mantra during much of my training this week – the hilly 2.5-mile intervals, the 19-mile long run, the solo century – and it powered me through the last little push of each session. Because, really, not much seems more daunting that seeing all zeros on your Garmin right before you start that three-hour run or 5.5-hours in the saddle. But, then… suddenly… you’re done, and it wasn’t as tough as you first anticipated.

So, my week…

MONDAY. Another Monday, another open water swim at Camp Gunther. The water was perfect today, as recent rain cooled it down just a bit so I wasn’t nearly as boiling as last week. A bit of anxiety swimming across, but I calmed down on the way back, swam a bit crooked and before I knew it was done with about 2,500 yards. Forgot to bring my 910XT, so can’t see just how crooked I swam 🙂


TUESDAY. The plan was to ride + run this morning to beat the heat. I was up at 5a, ready to meet Johnny at 6a for lock and dam hill repeats and watergate sprints, but when I went to pump my tires, the rear was flat. I pumped it up, only to have it go flat again within minutes. Changing it would have taken far too long and made me late(r) for work, so I opted to embrace the heat + humidity and ride after work. (Nick was awesome and changed it for me… turns out there was a small piece of metal stuck in the tire causing a slow leak.)

WEDNESDAY. A glorious, much needed rest day.

THURSDAY. There was near puking during intervals this morning. After a two-mile warm-up at 9:00 pace down Hamline, I was ready for two 2.5-mile back nine loops. I knew it was going to hurt, but not that much! Uphills, downhills, flats and one wicked long uphill at the end. Thrilled with my ~7:12 average! A two-mile cool down at 9:00 pace rounded out a solid nine miles before work.

FRIDAY. Lead bike legs this morning. Despite what felt like some serious dragging on Shepard Road race pace work, I still managed to snag some Strava QOMs 🙂


SATURDAY. What a day! What a run! I got going a bit later than I wanted for this week’s long run, but the weather turned out to be perfect. I left from the Ford bridge in Saint Paul and felt great from the get-go. About two miles in, I met a fellow runner running about the same pace, so we passed a few miles together chatting marathons and triathlons. We split near Lyndale and I continued down Minnehaha – one of the most beautiful places to run in MSP! – around Harriet and Calhoun and then back down Minnehaha. My legs were a bit tired the last mile, but overall, a fantastic and fun run. My treat for finishing: Mexican Coke. SO.GOOD.

Nutrition: One bottle Skratch, one strawberry Honey Stinger gel and one chocolate outrage GU. Yeah, not enough, again.


We spent much of Saturday afternoon napping on the sofa in compression (LOVE my CEP run 2.0 socks!). Ah, life in a two triathlete household!


SUNDAY. What a Sunday: My first-ever solo century! Rain delayed my start a couple hours, but like Saturday, the day turned out perfect with sunshine, a light breeze and temps around 80. I zipped around MSP and through Minnetonka and Wayzata to the Dakota Rail Trail. If you haven’t biked out here yet, GO. It’s fast, flat, not as busy at the Greenway and there are no cars to deal with – i.e. settle into aero and ride fast! Plus, it’s gorgeous with lots of shade. I felt awesome the entire ride and numerous times looked down at my garmin, surprised to see I’d been biking for three hours, for five hours. So much #bikelove! A four-mile run at 8:45 pace capped off the ride.

Nutrition: Two bottles of Skratch (each had 1.5 servings), three bottles water, some gross Gatorade around mile 60 (so fake and it doesn’t sit well in my stomach), lemon pound cake ALT larabar, peanut butter cookie ALT larabar (forgot to stock up on Bonk Breakers… ALT bars are ok, but aren’t my favorite), two chocolate outrage GUs (love these), medium lemon ginger pom sparkler at Caribou. Again, work in progress.

solo century

In non-training news…

Date night at Hello Pizza… delicious pizza, fun photo booth!


Aquatennial fireworks!


Weekly stats: 14 hours, 13 minutes. Gah! If I’d have know I was 0.02 miles short of 150 miles on the bike this week, I would have pedaled another block! 🙂

Swim 2,500 yards, 42 minutes
Bike 149.98 miles, 8:23:10
Run 36.13 miles, 5:08:33

This week: My longest run since 2008 – 21 miles! – is Saturday!

Happy swimbikerunning, friends!

12 Comments Post a comment
  1. Those are some intense (and inspiring) numbers lady! NICE WORK!! I am going to have to check out that Dakota Rail Trail. I am a really apprehensive biker, so if it’s a lot more quiet, I bet I’d like that! Also- I have weird soda cravings like that too! I am not a soda drinker, but sometimes after a long run all I want is a dang diet coke!

    July 23, 2013
    • Not sure why it showed up without my name and photo…but it’s Lee 🙂

      July 23, 2013
  2. Kforsythe #

    You are doing it Erin!! I am so proud of you. I fully support tandem couch napping. It’s one of our favorite activities!!! Yehaw!!!!!

    July 23, 2013
  3. The Dakota Rail Trail is probably my FAVORITE ride!! I love the long stretches to just settle in at aero and cruise. Nice job on that long run!! And agree with what you said in the beginning – so much is in your head. I think those long solo rides/runs/etc are so important, just for the mental training of reminding and proving to yourself that you can and are doing it all on your own!!

    July 23, 2013
  4. Oh. My. God. Amazing! I’ve been so impressed with your training all along, so excited for you!

    July 23, 2013
  5. You are going to be MORE than ready for race day!! The mental training is a definite MUST for success!! Keep up the AMAZING work lady!!

    July 23, 2013
  6. Great week!! The solo riding is really key to Ironman success – especially at this point in the training. Way to rock it out, Erin!!

    And, I’m so weepy during Ironman training. I don’t know if it’s the training load or what, but I’m frequently weeping with joy (or frustration!) about something. Bizarre – hahaha!

    And, cola. Oh, for goodness love, cola after a long ride. Mmmmm.

    I’m going to get the Ironman circuit warmed up for you this weekend!!

    July 23, 2013
  7. WOW, how early did you have to do your nine miles before work?!

    And a very impressive week of training! You didn’t happen to get your Mexican Coke at Sandcastle, did you?! 🙂

    July 23, 2013
  8. Looks like a great week and you are still loving it =) You might be addicted!

    July 23, 2013
  9. you got the mental part down. I know it. Go girl.

    July 26, 2013

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  1. ironman canada | week 25 | sweet sweat
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