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in july…

To be perfectly honest, there’s only one goal on my mind this month.

Ironman Canada.

I’ve been eating, sleeping and breathing this race since registering in October, and six weeks out, it’s intensified. My days revolve around training (and eating, obviously… so much eating). Should I run circles around the track in the morning or after work? What pool should I swim at? Where should I run long (so.tired.of.Summit)? Do I have to go to the co-op again at 8:30p? I need new socks and goggles and aero bar spacers and a wetsuit and a swimsuit and, dang it, why are we always out of Skratch / Vega Sport protein / Bonk Breakers / Honey Stinger chews / <insert fave nutrition here>?

That said, there hasn’t been a lot of balance (more on that soon), but I wouldn’t change it for anything. Every mile on my bike (nearly 1,900 this year), every mile in my running shoes (about 640) and lap in the pool (133,000 yards) – even the tough days – has been fantastic. This journey has been fantastic! And, I’ve learned so much about what my body can do and what I can do with a little determination and gumption.

41 days

So, here we are, just 41 shorts days out from my first 140.6 start and finish line.

(OMG! Forty-one days?!)

This past weekend kicked off four REALLY BIG weeks of training. As in a 94-mile ride yesterday and two century rides in the next three weeks big. And, in between all that saddle time (and crazy long runs and open water swims) there will hopefully be some room for reading Brené Brown’s The Gifts of Imperfection, keeping up with the mountains of laundry, spending some time with my sister and niece, and enjoying sunset dinner on the deck with my fave under the twinkle lights.

Have a happy July, friends!

7 Comments Post a comment
  1. Erin,
    I am so proud of you!! You are going to ROCK CANADA!! I remember all of these feelings you are experiencing and can’t wait to feel them all again next year!! Keep moving forward and being AWESOME!!

    July 15, 2013
  2. I’m SO SO SO SO excited for you!!! What a great post and I could hear all your excitement in your writing! I agree, trying to coordinate training and work alone is challenging, but so worth the sacrifices. I keep telling my friends that I’ll be back in August! Thanks for taking all of us (your blog followers) along on this crazy/fun journey of yours!

    July 15, 2013
  3. So exciting, I can’t WAIT to hear how it goes for you and to see how beautiful Whistler is!!! I can’t believe your IM is so close and mine is just a month after that!

    July 15, 2013
  4. The work you will do in the next four weeks is critical and I know your commitment to the goal and to yourself will pull you through those dark miles. I’m glad you are also planning down-time that includes the things you love.

    You’re so close!!

    July 15, 2013
  5. Hooray for you and all of your training! That is a lot of biking coming up. Keep taking your fun pictures : )

    July 15, 2013
  6. Pen #

    Sooooo soon! You are going to kill it!!!

    July 16, 2013
  7. Candice #

    One goal is just enough…especially when it comes down to months of training and a bad ass attitude like yours! go Erin!

    July 21, 2013

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